Thursday 10 October 2024

The Secret of the Samurai!

Delighted to see ol' comics chum Garen Ewing after the fab Battles Through History show, our first proper catch-up in ages - Actually Garen reckoned it was at the Copenhagen Comics show way back in 2017 and here he is in a photo I found from then, hard at work!

Garen's one of my oldest comic creating pals, bonding years ago over a shared enthusiasm for European Comics and Victorian Military History, so we've always enjoyed catching up even if it is a lot less regular than we'd like. This occasion was a lovely relaxed informal evening dinner with family and we'd such a nice time we forgot to take any photos, so here's an old one of us being social a long time ago, possibly the early 1900's!

Amongst many artistic achievements, Garen's probably best known as the creator of the wonderful Rainbow Orchid comic series (featuring the intrepid Julius Chancer) and character and background design and artwork for the card game, The Lost Expedition and subsequent computer game, Curious Expedition 2;

One of Garen's stories which had sadly eluded me was The Secret of The Samurai, originally serialised in the Phoenix Comic so when Garen surprisingly announced earlier this year that he'd received copies from his European publisher of a limited collected English hardback edition, I and other fans quickly pounced to finally devour this dynamic tale! Not surprisingly, it sold out, leaving many disappointed but Garen told me that he's received additional stock which he is currently offering on his website, with optional sketch which I highly recommend!

Here's hoping its not so long till we next meet up :)

Monday 7 October 2024

Travelling Through Time!

Well what a fab fun time we had waay down south in the previously unvisited (by us) South of England showground in West Sussex showground for Battles Through History!

As previously mentioned this was the first of a new annual multi-period military living history show with many attractions from the fantastic arena battle and drill displays, encampments, vehicles, vintage village, traders market, wargames, steampunks, pirates & more!

I was invited to join their military authors upstairs in the fancy Norfolk Pavilion which had fab panoramic views of the arena showground below where we all had a fun time given a schedule of interesting talks and presentations in the well appointed facilities. 

For a first event it was very well organised but there were some unexpected late difficulties with signage which ultimately resulted in a reduced footfall for our area. That said we had a fine community spirit going and did what we could to make ourselves more visible and the situation improved over the weekend with those who found us being supportive of our work and leaving us positive about next year.

Karen & I helped fly the Steampunk Flag at the show!
With fellow Zulu inspired author DJG Palmer & Alec 

With Gentleman and 'Chosen Man' Jason Salkey!

We managed a couple of strolls round part of the vast showground during our lunch breaks and got a very small taste of the scale of the show and the varied sights and attractions on offer. Here then is a  snapshot of what we encountered which I'm sure doesn't do the event justice. All in all though, we really enjoyed the show and plan to return next year if we have the opportunity, Huzzah! 

Napoleonic War Display!

American Civil War Battle

WW1 Sussex Yeomanry in Action!

The Hampshire Pipe Band!

Deborah II on loan from Norfolk Tank Museum!

A small sample of the many military vehicles on display!

'The Thin Red Line' original army tunics (sadly not Zulu War)

A War game diorama of Tel-El-Kebir!

The UK Virtual Military Show!